The Evolution of Draperies…

or years our drapery treatments were quite elaborate, but with the advent of more and more contemporary styles becoming popular, the draperies have become more minimal.

1. Traditional Draperies

As an example, the draperies in this traditional style room, have triple swags and jabots with trim and side panels on each window (the swags are the curved top treatments, the jabots are the smaller side pieces and the panels are the longer treatments that hang to the floor). This type of design and variations are being done less and less these days since they feel out of place with the more simplistic and contemporary furnishings. However, we are still creating these designs for more classic-style rooms as well.

2. Transitional Draperies

In this transitional room they used these simpler drapery treatments, placed on an iron rod with drapery rings; eliminating any elaborate swags, etc. and keeping the look clean. Even though the draperies are a more traditional floral, the effect is sleek and inviting. This transitional look is quite popular right now and I think it will stand the test of time

3. Contemporary Draperies

This contemporary bedroom feels very calm and inviting with just the slightest accents of soft blue and green. The drapery treatments are placed in a very interesting manner, behind an extension of the ceiling. Thus, creating a space for the draperies to be hung in an unobtrusive manner. The total effect is very sleek, clean and contemporary.

My clients are doing all of the above as tastes vary. What is your preference? Let us know in the box below. We’d love to hear your opinions on the above styles + please share the post with your friends!



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